One of our favourite sustainability services at is a Local Food Dinner. These dinners embody what Urban Reforestation is all about: people in the community coming together, connecting to nature, sharing local farm food, stories and conviviality. Communities coming together and connecting in urban places is key to sustainability. Social innovation for sustainability can grow out of chance meetings, conversations and sharing ideas. That is why Local Food Dinners are so important to us. It’s great they are also fun, there is always good company and great food.

Bringing people together is a key social benefit of the Local Food Dinners. Meeting each other and learning each others names and stories helps to build the fabric of the community and address other sustainability issues. Local Food Dinners also connect people to local enterprises. We use only local food and also connect local business people who create opportunities with one another and add value to the community as a whole.

As all of the food we source is from the local area there is “low mileage” in the food. This means that it hasn’t had to travel far to reach the dinner table. All food waste is also composted in the local community garden or taken away to a centralised location for composting. We pride ourselves waste wise management and host ecologically friendly events.

Local Food Dinners focus on engaging the local community around particular themes that our clients would like to concentrate on. Urban Reforestation can work with the community to design the local dinner, or we can design the dinner independently. We source local food, engage local people and themes in a way that our client requests. Local Food Dinners are waste wise events and have a very strong focus on social sustainability.


Photography provided by Hilary Bradford